Shooting Against the Sun: Benefits and Tips for Backlit Landscape Photography

Photo Tips

Avoid taking photos of the sun when using landscape photography.

This is one of the tips that you will hear most often from landscape photographers. It’s actually a tip I’ve shared before!

Avoiding strong backlighting has been a popular tip for many years. You’ll find yourself in difficult lighting situations when you point your camera at the sun. Details can be lost, both in the highlights and shadows. Landscape photographers are aware of this and know how to capture the dynamic range their sensors can capture. This is why they often give the advice above.

It is true that the importance of avoiding a strong backlight may not be as important today as it used to be several years ago. Sensors and post-processing options are more flexible today, so what was once a bad idea could now be a good one.

This article will show you how to photograph towards the sun and enhance the atmosphere. It can also add a new dimension to your landscape photos. I’ll also share some of my best tips to help you include the sun with stunning results in your photos!

Why it is important to include the sun when taking landscape photographs

You’re probably ready to tell me right now that shooting towards the sun is a terrible idea. Let me explain why you should consider it for your landscape photography.

It adds depth and dimension to your shot.

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