Advice From a Pro: 5 Essential Lenses Every Wedding Photographer Should Have


You may have wondered what lenses are the best for wedding photographer.

Lens companies are constantly releasing new lenses. These bright, shiny lenses attract many photographers who end up with an enormous collection of lenses that are rarely used.

If you are only allowed to have five lenses for your wedding photography, I recommend these. Since I’ve been a wedding photographer professionally for seven years, deciding on the five lenses that I use took some serious thought and time.

The answer is:

  1. The 70-200mm lens f/2.8
  2. The 24-70mm f/2.8
  3. The 85mm prime lens
  4. Prime 35mm is a prime lens that can be used for 35mm cameras.
  5. Macro lens (105mm, 60mm, or 100mm for Nikon and Canon).

Look at each lens separately to understand why.

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